July 11, 2023

Branded Group CEO Michael Kurland Launches BeBetter Consulting

Michael Kurland is proud to announce the launch of his new endeavor, BeBetter Consulting with Michael Kurland. This new program provides tailored 1-on-1 guidance for you and your business venture—from one entrepreneur to another.

Michael is an experienced entrepreneur who is passionate about sharing his journey and helping others succeed. He offers personalized coaching, practical insights, and effective strategies to help you achieve your goals. With his proven track record, he can help you build a successful, purpose-driven organization.

“I am thrilled to offer my entrepreneurial expertise to those looking to grow both personally and professionally,” Kurland said.

For more information about BeBetter Consulting with Michael Kurland, contact Lauren Miskofsky at lmiskofsky@branded-group.com.

About Michael Kurland
As an author and award-winning CEO, Michael is committed to leading with purpose, giving back to his community, and championing a healthy lifestyle. Michael co-founded Branded Group in 2014 and has led its year-over-year exponential growth and cultural transformation. His clear vision to #BeBetter has resulted in thriving social impact programs, long-lasting client and partner relationships, and innovative facility management programs that drive client satisfaction. Learn more about his book, Broken to Better, 13 Ways Not to Fail at Leadership and Life, at michaelkurland.co/broken-to-better.

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