#BeBetter Podcast with Michael Kurland

How to Be Purposefully Philanthropic with Jan Friedlander Svendsen

Passion and Teamwork Can Change Lives

Jan Friedlander Svendsen, Chief Creative Officer for the Charity Network, has worked on Broadway for 18 years managing the marketing and cause-related programs for the Tony Awards and The Broadway League. In today’s show, Jan shares her experience and her passion for giving back, the causes she’s led, and how she was able to take her philanthropic passion to the stages of Broadway.

Jan Friedlander Svendsen portrait

“Just add value.”

—Jan Friedlander Svendsen

Charity Network

45. How to Be Purposefully Philanthropic with Jan Friedlander Svendsen

Key Takeaways

  • Be mindful about being kind every day.
  • Get committed to a cause you care about.
  • Sometimes it takes a village, yet we can all make a difference.

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Jan Friedlander Svendsen has worked on Broadway for 18 years, running the marketing and cause-related programs for the Tony Awards and The Broadway League. In her current role as Chief Creative Officer for the Charity Network, she helps celebrities raise awareness and funds for important causes. In January 2021, Jan launched the Broadway Gives Back Podcast, marrying two passions she knows and loves.  The Broadway Gives Back Podcast discusses why philanthropy is so vital and inspiring and showcases ways “everyday philanthropists” can do good through education and taking action to make the world a better place.

“Philanthropy is part of my DNA.”

—Jan Friedlander Svendsen

Charity Network

Podcast Transcription

Hello, I’m Michael Kurland, CEO and Co-Founder of Branded Group, an award- winning, California-based facilities maintenance and construction management company that services multi-site commercial properties such as retail, restaurants, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions.

Welcome to the BeBetter podcast! Each week, I interview thought leaders from a variety of industries who will share their stories and the lessons they learned as they strive to be better for their clients, partners, employees, and their community. Are you ready to Be Better?

Michael Kurland (00:03):

Hello, and welcome to another episode of the BeBetter podcast. I’m your host, Michael Kurland. Joining me today is Jan Svendsen, Chief Creative Officer for the Charity Network. Jan, welcome to the show. Please tell the audience a little bit more about who you are and what you do.

Jan Svendsen (00:25):

Thanks, Michael. First of all, I’m honored to be here. I love your concept of being better. I am wholeheartedly jumping in here with you on trying to make the world a better place. I’m currently working at the Charity Network, which is a company that helps celebrities, and organizations, 501(c)(3)’s, and even brands raise money for cause and integrate cause marketing into their brands when it comes to the corporate partners we have. We do this through a variety of different ways. We consult. We do online auctions. We do online sweepstakes and a host of other products where we try to find solutions for people’s fundraising issues and how to maximize their efforts in social impact and purpose-driven marketing.

Michael Kurland (01:18):

Great. That’s amazing. Before you were Chief Creative Officer, you were also Head of Marketing for Broadway and the Tony Awards, correct?

Jan Svendsen (01:29):

That is correct, for 18 years.

Michael Kurland (01:32):

You must have some really good stories.

Jan Svendsen (01:35):

[Laughs] I can’t tell you. No, it was an amazing time. I have to set it up because prior to that I worked for Ogilvy Advertising, which was an amazing experience and almost like a PhD program in marketing and particularly in cause marketing. I was headhunted to come and run marketing for the Broadway League, which is the trade and marketing association for Broadway North America and the Tony Awards. It was this amazing opportunity to build a team and to really build the brand of Broadway and to make Broadway more accessible to more people and more relevant to people’s lifestyles. We know from research that going to theater is a very healthy experience, and it’s great for everybody. It was really nice to do something that I really believed in and that I loved myself.

I was able to create programs and events to help make Broadway more relatable and more accessible to more people. It was an awesome experience. It was the same thing with the Tony Awards, trying to get more people to tune in to the Tony’s and be impacted in a good way by theater. I also met my fiancé doing that, so that was nice. I’ve always had a piece of me that was about philanthropy and about cause. I’ve always tried in whichever job I had to try to dig that piece of it out and focus on that. With this current position, I’m able to work with all my old Broadway friends, producers, and celebrities and help them with their cause efforts.

Michael Kurland (03:24):

Amazing. I’m glad you have worked on it in the past, making Broadway more relatable. It’s something when I lived in the northeast in Connecticut and New York, I certainly enjoyed. Some of my favorites were Book of Mormon and Phantom of the Opera. I saw Wicked. That was good. I really want to see Hamilton, and I think we can talk about that a little bit more later in the show because you have some special connections as we talked about on the pre-show.

I want to talk about how did you get into this? What made you want to be in philanthropy your whole life? How did that start? Let’s talk about that.

Jan Svendsen (04:10):

I guess it started when I was born because my mother [Laughs] was an amazing mentor. She walked the walk and talked the talk. She was actually a Holocaust survivor but also a very strong, independent woman. Philanthropy was part of our DNA. It was part of our everyday diet. My mom volunteered in so many different organizations. I saw her firsthand volunteering and the sweat equity that went into it. I also saw her putting together fundraisers and raising actual money and writing checks. I saw her doing the whole 360 approach to philanthropy. I think that the things for me that were the most impactful growing up were we were standing in line at the bank and I remember this as a little girl- and there was a man behind us who was visually impaired. He asked my mom if she could look at something for him and see what it said. They got to talking, and the next thing you know, this man, Larry, every Thursday we help Larry with his errands and his banking and his food shopping and reading to him. Larry became part of our family in some ways. On Saturday afternoons, we would go to the supermarket and buy lots of groceries. On Sunday mornings, we would make bag lunches for the homeless down in Venice beach. I grew up with this feeling of giving back. I felt like that was really important. I think it was dormant for a while, particularly in my teens and early twenties where I was more focused on myself, but then it kicked in again in my thirties.

When I was working on American Express as my client when I was in advertising, Amex was one of the first brands to really focus on cause marketing. I think they created, or at least made popular, the concept of giving a portion of the proceeds to a charity and associating an ad spend or a spend on the product to a cause component. I remember, I lived in Norway at the time, and the project that I was working on was Save the Puffin. It was a bird that was going extinct. I remember being so taken with that concept of money going to cause that I brought that as a through line into everything that I did.

When I started working on Broadway, arts education was a very important thing for me to promote and working with Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, which is the main charitable organization that supports Broadway. They do a lot more than just AIDS work. I worked very closely with them, and I was in charge of, among other things, sponsorship programs. All of the big corporate sponsors that we had, I built into every deal a charitable component so that Broadway Cares would get some money and some fees in exchange for some barter. I felt like I always tried to build that in.

When I decided after 18 years that it was time to move on to a different kind of job, I knew in my heart of hearts that I wanted to do something that was even more focused in the world of philanthropy and social responsibility. This job came along, and it was it was very entrepreneurial in many ways. I have the best job description in the world, which is add value. Just add value, Jan. I’ve got some experience and I’ve got a good Rolodex, to use an old-fashioned term. I’ve been just focused for the last five years on adding value to Charity Network and helping Charity Network help the causes that they help and the organizations that they support and the celebrities that we know raise money.

Michael Kurland (08:15):

That’s all amazing. There’s a lot that I want to dive into there. First though, I want to ask you: In your career, how much money do you think you’ve raised overall for charities?

Jan Svendsen (08:25):

Oh, my gosh.

Michael Kurland (08:26):

Come on. Take a guess because I think it’s a big number, and I think the audience should understand the magnitude.

Jan Svendsen (08:33):

I think it’s a really big number, but I’m going to be a little more specific. I know you want to get into talking about Lin-Manuel Miranda. He is one of my friends and clients, and we do a lot of fundraising together. I work on his online fundraising and some private fundraising as well. I would estimate that just the last five years working with Lin, we’ve probably raised in excess of $25 million.

Michael Kurland (09:04):


Jan Svendsen (09:04):

You can sort of project that out. It’s going to be a big number. I don’t know. I should actually calculate that one day and get back to you.

Michael Kurland (09:11):

That’s on the resume, right? Raised over a billion dollars over the course of a career. That’s amazing.

Jan Svendsen (09:19):

Honestly, it’s not that way at all because it takes a team. It takes a village, and it’s not about one person doing it. There’s so many people involved, even in Lin’s fundraising. His entire family is involved. We get all his friends involved. There’s a whole team at the Charity Network that work collaboratively to make all this possible. It takes a village.

Michael Kurland (09:44):

Absolutely. It takes a village and a team, but someone’s got to be focused. Through your career, the fact that you’ve been focused on this from such an early age to now. The countless number of people’s lives that you’ve affected through your fundraising. You probably can’t even fathom that. I can’t. I don’t even want to throw a number at it, but it’s great. Thank you for being you.

Jan Svendsen (10:12):

Thank you. I’ve never really thought about it in terms of that macro number, but now you’re making me think so I’m sure I’ll be lying in bed tonight awake thinking, “Hmm. I wonder what that number really is.”

Michael Kurland (10:22):

If you figure it out, let me know because I’m curious, and we’ll put it in the show notes after it.

Real quick, before I move on, I want to say your story of Larry brought something to my head. You said your mother was a Holocaust survivor, so you’ll understand the word ‘mitzvah.’ I was talking to my sister this past weekend, and she’s got an elderly neighbor who just found out she has stage four pancreatic cancer. My sister is doing exactly what you said. She’s running the errands for her and helping her get groceries and move her car. She went over there this weekend to learn how to drive her car and all this stuff because she wants to help this single older lady who has cancer. I said, “You’re doing your mitzvah. You’re catching up on some years.” That’s what it reminded me of. Good for your mother, and good for you for helping out Larry and all the other things you did along the way.

Jan Svendsen (11:24):

Not to interrupt. I think this concept of kindness is so important. I can’t say I’ve always been this super kind person, and certainly I have my hangry moments [Laughs], but I do think that if everybody just took a breath and was a little bit more mindful about being kind. I go back and forth between LA and New York. In New York, there’s a lot of people around all the time when you’re walking down the street. I’ll play a little game with myself. I’ll just smile and say ‘hi’ to every single person I see, or I’ll go in a store. Particularly in New York they can get pretty grumpy, so I just turn on the kindness. People are so responsive to that. Not everybody, but in general. I think it it’s so much nicer to be kind. You get so much more feeling from that, and it makes you feel good, too. I think of all the philanthropy, too. People who donate money or who donate their time or donate their sweat equity. It makes you feel really good, so in a way it’s a very selfish thing to do is to be kind or philanthropic.

Michael Kurland (12:36):

You’ve touching on a lot of great points. We’ve covered a few of those in past episodes. They actually have released studies that there’s such a thing called the volunteer high. It’s very similar to a runner’s high. You release dopamine when you do good. I think you’re totally right with that. You reminded me of a story. When I first moved to California from Long Island, New York about seven and a half years ago, I was changing my life rapidly. I was trying to go down this positive road and that was one thing I did as well. In New York, you walk around, and you say, “Good morning. Good afternoon,” whatever and some people are like, “Get out of my way, buddy.” I had that mentality. I came out here and I thought I’m going to say ‘good morning’ to everyone and smile, and if they don’t say anything that’s not my problem. That means they’re upset. I’m not upset. I’m just going to be me and be kind. I did that for probably the first six to eight months I was here. Not every day because there were some days where I was like, “I want to be the grumpy guy.” It really helped my mentality being out here and being kind and pushing that message forward.

I wish the world would take a little piece of what you were saying and be a little bit better and be a little bit kinder. We’d be in such a better place if everyone took little acts like that and moved forward with them.

Jan Svendsen (14:03):

I was running this morning in Central Park, and I was listening to that Harry Styles song about kindness. If you haven’t heard it. It’s a little bubble gum, but it just makes you feel good. It’s all about being kind.

Michael Kurland (14:16):

Sure. I’ll look it up. I never thought I’d like Harry Styles or boy band break offs, but his Watermelon, Sugar song got in my head a couple of times. It was pretty good.

Jan Svendsen (14:28):

[Laughs] This one will get in your head, too.

Michael Kurland (14:29):

I’ll check it out after the show. You talked about the fundraiser for Lin-Manuel Miranda, and you’re now at the Charity Network. Let’s talk about some of the bigger campaigns that you’ve worked on, some of the things that you’re most proud of right now, and what you’re really focusing your attention on.

Jan Svendsen (14:53):

I do have a lot of contacts still in the Broadway world, so I tend to work with a lot of Broadway folks and celebrities in Hollywood as well. I have to say my work with Lin Miranda and his family. I just want to go on record here. It’s not just that Lin is amazing, but it’s his entire family that gets behind this. His father, Luis Miranda, is a very dear friend but also one of the most inspirational people on the planet. He embodies a good person, and he’s constantly doing things for other people. When you see Hamilton because you will- I’ll hook you up- you’ll see that there’s a lot of autobiographical components to it because a lot of what Lin wrote in Hamilton, I think he was thinking of his dad sometimes because he’s so nonstop. He’s constantly doing for others and burning the midnight oil. They are a really amazing family, and they’re very strategic about their philanthropy. They have meetings as a family- Lin and his wife, Lin’s sister and her husband, and Lin’s parents. They talk about what’s important to them and what they think they can affect. They’ve created their own fund, but they also really support other things. One of the things we did was after the election in 2016, we did a big campaign for Planned Parenthood. I’m not allowed to say exactly how much we raised, but I’ll just say it was many millions of dollars, through an online sweepstakes where people could donate $10 for a chance to win this amazing experience with Lin at Hamilton.

They leverage their assets, and they leverage their passion. It’s just an honor and a privilege, and I’m so proud to work with them every day. They don’t have a big staff. They don’t have a lot of assistants. They’re the most down to earth people. The one position that they did hire somebody and pay them is a Director of Philanthropy. That shows their commitment to cause.

Other things that I’ve worked on that are really important to me is I do a lot of work with Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, which is near and dear to my heart. I also worked on a really good project for Jimmy Kimmel. One of his talent producers was diagnosed with ALS, and the entire Jimmy Kimmel Live staff was devastated. They wanted to support their colleague. We put together a big campaign for Project ALS and the One-to-One foundation so they could directly help individuals with ALS and then also the bigger picture research. Jimmy basically hit up every single guest that he had on his show for a year and said, “You’re giving me some kind of experience that we’re going to either raffle off or auction off.” We were able to raise a lot of money for ALS and for his colleague, which was really nice and that felt really good to do as well.

One other thing. I was just thinking about this morning here in New York. We’re coming up on the anniversary of 9/11. It made me think about my old position at the Broadway League. Broadway was very impacted by 9/11, as was the entire city of New York. Broadway was part of the coming back and the healing process. I am really proud of the fact that I produced a commercial, a public service announcement, where all the cast of all the current Broadway shows back in 2001 joined into Times Square in costume and sang New York, New York. We shot that and sent it out to every media outlet in the world. People ran it. It had a huge impact so much so that the New Yorker magazine actually did a cartoon. It said that going to a Broadway show was doing your civic duty after 9/11. A lot of people wanted to do something. By going to see a show, it was cathartic because you were connecting with other people, but a portion of the ticket price went to charity. You were supporting all these ancillary businesses that Broadway supports in New York City. That’s something I’m really proud of, too.

Michael Kurland (19:28):

That’s amazing. It’s probably cathartic, again, now that we’re coming on the backside of COVID with getting around people again and seeing a show. Something we couldn’t do for probably the last 12 to 18 months. I know I’m looking forward to getting back out and seeing a show when the shows are out this way. I’m not going to go to fly across the country to go to Broadway. Maybe I will. [Laugh]

Jan Svendsen (19:57):

Michael, I told you. I’m going to hook you up at the Pantages Theater in Hollywood. You’re going to see Hamilton.

[Both Laugh]

Michael Kurland (20:01):

I can’t wait. Let’s talk about project ALS because that’s something that’s near and dear to me. I don’t know if we talked about this on pre-show, but I went to college and my fraternity is Phi Delta Theta. One our most famous members was Lou Gehrig. Every year, we had philanthropy built into our dues, so we had to do 6 to 12 hours a semester for a charity. We always would try to raise money, and every dollar that we ever raised went to Project ALS. I don’t if that existed when we were younger when I was in college, but whatever the main foundation for ALS is where we donated our money. That’s something that was near and dear to me, and I need to probably get that back on my radar because that disease is probably the worst disease there is out there. It slowly robs you of everything you have.

Jan Svendsen (21:07):

It’s devastating.

Michael Kurland (21:07):

I’m happy to hear that you you’ve raised a lot of money for and with that. The other thing I want to talk about now is your podcast. I think you’re the third guest on the show that also has a podcast. Let’s talk a little bit about your podcast and what you’re trying to do with it What’s it called?

Jan Svendsen (21:31):

My podcast is called Broadway Gives Back. Actually, one of the reasons I wanted to be on your podcast was because (1) I love your concept, but (2) I thought I’d learned something from you. I just started my podcast in January. I’m on a summer hiatus but coming back in September. I was asked by an organization- a platform that does podcasts- “Would you like to be a podcaster?” I said no. What would I ever have to talk about? They said, “Think about it. We would fund you and you’d be really good at this.” I forgot about it for like three months. All of a sudden, one night I woke up at three in the morning and I said, “Hm. I do know a lot of celebrities who really care about social responsibility and impact and philanthropy. I wonder if I could talk to them and give them a platform to talk about the things that are important to them.” I said that is my podcast because I came from this Broadway background. Also, a lot of Hollywood folks are on Broadway, too, so it was kind of overlapping. I thought let’s try that. I launched that in January, and I’ve had some amazing people on the podcast. People you might’ve heard of such as Lin Miranda, of course, but also Judith Light, Gloria and Emilio Estefan, Sarah Bareilles, Josh Groban. I’ve had some casts of different Broadway shows. I’ve had some organizations that benefit from the fundraising and telling stories about the actual impact that the dollars and the awareness make for them. It’s been an amazing experience, and I can’t wait to come back in the fall.

Michael Kurland (23:18):

What is the name of the show?

Jan Svendsen (23:22):

It’s Broadway Gives Back. We were releasing one podcast a week every Wednesday. We also did some series of podcasts where we’d get sort of a group of people together and do a panel or release all those podcasts. Drop them all at once. I have some other ideas for the fall when I come back that are similar where we do more sort of themed podcasts and see how that goes. It’s been great. It’s really rewarding for me, but it’s so inspirational. I get to talk to people who are my friends about things that are meaningful and it’s so nice.

Michael Kurland (24:05):

That’s awesome. I got to say, I have a similar story. I was told- not by some podcasting network- but by my PR company. They said, “You need to do a podcast. You have all this content, and you’re great and personable.” I said, “I got nothing to talk about. What am I going to talk about?” I fought it tooth and nail for the first six months and then I finally relented. I started going on other people’s podcasts, and they started telling me, “You got the face for radio, kid. [Both Laugh] Get out there, and interview people because you got something to say.” I finally relented, similarly to you, and then I found myself really enjoying it. We’re about 50 episodes deep. We do the same thing, once a week, every Wednesday. We’re kind of on a summer hiatus right now. I don’t know when this one will actually be released, but we’re recording it at the end of July.

I’ve met so many awesome, amazing people on the show that I would have never met. We definitely would have never met if it wasn’t for this podcast, and I’m so happy to have met you. I think that both of us are doing good things for podcasting in general, and we are giving ourselves a creative outlet as well. That’s what it’s really been for me, selfishly. It’s such a good creative outlet. I’ve been trying to pick up the guitar and I look at that thing and say, “Not today,” but the podcasting, I’m it now. I feel better than I was when I started, so I’m making progress. I don’t know how good I actually am.

Jan Svendsen (25:38):

You’re great. You pick up that mic very well, too. [Laughs]

Michael Kurland (25:40):

Thank you. My sister would hate me if I didn’t ask you. Her dream celebrity is Josh Groban. She went to one of his shows and threw her number on the stage, saying “Please call me.” [Both Laugh] Sorry, Mary. I’m blowing up your spot. Tell me a little bit about that episode at the very least, just a little snippet for my sister.

Jan Svendsen (26:08):

Mary is that your sister?

Michael Kurland (26:10):


Jan Svendsen (26:10):

Meredith, you will be so happy to hear that Josh is everything you want him to be. He is so kind and insightful and intelligent and personable and just a good person. He is so talented. He is everything. You continue to have that crush on him because he is absolutely worthy of it. He has his own foundation, so you might want to research that and either get involved in it or at least donate some money to it. It’s all about arts education, and I would highly recommend you looking into that.

Michael Kurland (26:51):
Great. A couple more questions before we let you go here, Jan. You told me this pre-show that you are the person that if you look up the Tony’s proposal online. Is that correct?

Jan Svendsen (27:10):

The Emmy’s.

Michael Kurland (27:10):

The Emmy’s proposals. Tell the story. Come on. The audience wants to know.

Jan Svendsen (27:16):

The audience wants to know. [Laughs] My claim to fame is that I was the girl who got proposed to on live television. My fiancé is Glenn Weiss, and we met because he is the producer-director of lots of different award shows, including the Tony awards. He’s won several Emmys. Fourteen. I’m bragging for him. He won an Emmy in 2018 for directing the Oscars, and he got up on stage to accept his award. I’ve been in the audience with him many times when he’s gotten awards. I just thought, “I’m so happy, and I know this drill.” He’s great at public speaking. He was thanking his family, his kids, his team. His mom had passed away recently, so he acknowledged her. I thought that was so sweet. He pivoted to me, and I thought, “We’re done. That was great speech,” and then usually he goes to the press room. I just took a deep breath and leaned back and was ready for the next thing to happen. All of a sudden, he proposed to me in front of everybody at the theater. This is a jaded Hollywood crowd here. These are cynical people. The energy in the room was so amazing. I think I blacked out because I don’t remember a lot, but I apparently was lifted up to the stage by Mandy Patinkin and Brandon Victor Dixon, who was nominated, and the guy from This is Us. I forgot his name- Milo (Ventimiglia) something. The next thing I know, Glenn is down on his knee, and he’s proposing to me in front of everybody. I said, “Yes.” The rest is kind of history, and you can Google it and watch it yourself. I will say afterwards, I felt it was a fairy tale in many ways, just being proposed to like that. It was interesting because a lot of women came up to me and still do, “Oh, my God. That was like a fairy tale. Like a dream.” The guys though, they come up to Glenn and say, “Dude, you’ve some serious balls there to do that. You’ve also kind of ruined it for the rest of us guys.” That was our story, and we are happily together. It’s all good.

Michael Kurland (29:55):

That’s perfect. I will echo that sentiment. I thought I did a pretty good job on my proposal, but Glenn has definitely got me beat on that one.

Jan Svendsen (30:04):

Have you talked on this podcast about your proposal?

Michael Kurland (30:07):

I don’t know if I have.

Jan Svendsen (30:08):

You need to tell us the story.

Michael Kurland (30:10):

I was dating my fiancé, and we would travel to New York because back east is where I’m from- Connecticut, New York. She’s from LA County out here in California. The first time we ever had a romantic encounter, we were in New York. We always stayed at the same hotel. It was the Ink 48 Hotel. I still frequent Kimpton hotels. I don’t know if you’re a Kimpton fan, but I like them because they’re a little boutique-y. They always have a nice little happy hour at five o’clock. The Ink 48 was a Kimpton. It’s no longer a Kimpton. They had a rooftop bar. I think it’s called the Press Lounge. We had actually gone to see Book of Mormon earlier that day. That was the first time we ever had our first kiss, Book of Mormon, top of the roof at Press Lounge, had a kiss. Roughly two years later, we’re living together in California. I’m going to do it. I told her we were going to go to New York for Christmas. We flew to my buddy’s in Baltimore. I had it all covered up. Bear with me, audience, this is a long story. We flew to Baltimore. I’m a Jets fan, and we went to the Jets vs. Ravens game in Baltimore. Jets lost. Good cover. We flew to New York. The next day, we were going to do a Broadway show, very apropos for this podcast. We went to go see Mean Girls, which that’s a whole another story. I can podcast on Mean Girls for 30 minutes, It’s me and my buddy’s favorite movie. Whenever it comes on, we always text each other. I said, “Let’s bring the wives to go see Mean Girls.

Jan Svendsen (31:56):

I love that you and the guys love Mean Girls. That’s awesome. You’re Renaissance men. I love it.

Michael Kurland (32:02):

My buddy, Kevin, got his wife, and I got Alex and we said we’re going to go see Mean Girls. We were going to go to dinner afterwards. We were never going to go to dinner, but Alex thought we were going to dinner. We were staying at Ink 48, and I had called ahead of time. I said, “I would like access to your roof to do a proposal because this is where I met her.” Long story short, they called me back and said, “No problem. You can get up there, and you can get your photographer up there and do pictures.” They call me back literally the day before and said, “We double booked. We have a wedding in the morning.

We have Christmas party at night. There’s no way you can get access to the roof.” I was relentless. I said, “You already said this. I have everything planned. I got a photographer coming in.” I will give the General Manager at Ink 48, he made it happen. I said, “I just need 20 minutes.” He said, “We’re breaking down the party at 4 p.m. and then we’re starting the next party at s 6 p.m., so you have a 2-hour window.” We finished Mean Girls. We went back to the roof. My photographer was hiding. There was literally staff taking plates and ripping down chairs. I took her over to the corner. I got all the great pictures. It was all candid. He got me right when I got down on my knee, and I asked her to marry me on the roof top of Ink 48, where we had our first kiss.

Jan Svendsen (33:23):

Good job.

Michael Kurland (33:23):

I thought I did ok, but not as good as yours.

Jan Svendsen (33:27):

You did.

Michael Kurland (33:27):

Thank you for making me tell that story, Jan. Audience, I hope you appreciated it. If the audience wants to get ahold of you, Jan, how can they do so?

Jan Svendsen (33:38):

I would say go to our any of our social handles for Broadway Gives Back, or we have a website or download Broadway Gives Back podcast. All the information’s on our episode pages there, too. I’d love to have everybody have a listen and let me know what you think. Like you, Michael, I’m still sort of figuring this out. I feel it’s a very collaborative experience between me and my listeners. I’d love to hear what people think and who they’d love for me to talk to.

Michael Kurland (34:09):

Great. Jan, thank you so much for coming on the show. Audience, until next time.

Thank you for tuning in! I hope that today’s episode inspired you to become a purpose-driven leader in your career or your community. There is no doubt that when we lead with purpose, we can change lives. If you enjoyed today’s show, I’d be grateful if you would take a moment to rate us on your preferred listening platform.

To learn more Branded Group’s “Be Better” experience and how we provide industry-leading, on-demand California-based facility management, construction management, and special project implementation, visit us at www.branded-group.com. Be sure to follow us on social media and you can also reach out to me directly on LinkedIn. Until next time, Be Better.

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